Member Alumni Associations (AAs)
The Accounting and Finance Graduates Association of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Limited (AFGA)
會駿會有限公司 -
The HK PolyU MBA Alumni Association Limited (MBAAA)
香港理工大學工商管理碩士校友會有限公司 -
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Business and Management Association (BMA)
香港理工大學商業及管理學會 -
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Department of Business Studies Graduates’ Association (BSGA)
香港理工大學商業學系畢業生會 -
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Logistics Alumni Association (LGTAA)
香港理工大學物流學系校友會 -
The PolyU DBA Alumni Association Limited (DBAAA)
香港理工大學工商管理博士舊生會有限公司 -
Alumni Association of Applied Mathematics, Poly U (AAAM)
香港理工大學應用數學舊生會 -
The Computing Alumni Association of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (CAA)
香港理工大學電子計算學系校友會 -
Alumni Association of Building Services Engineering of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (AABSE) (AABSE)
香港理工大學屋宇設備工程學系校友會 -
The Building & Real Estate Departmental Alumni Association of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (BREDAA)
香港理工大學建築及房地產系校友會 -
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Building Association (HKPUBA)
香港理工大學建築系校友會 -
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Civil and Environmental Engineering Alumni Association (CEEAA)
香港理工大學土木及環境工程系校友會 -
The Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics Alumni Association of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (LSGIAA)
香港理工大學土地測量及地理資訊學系校友會 -
Alumni Association of Electronic and Information Engineering, PolyU (AAEIE)
香港理工大學電子及資訊工程系舊生會 -
Hong Kong Polytechnic Mechanical and Marine Engineering Alumni Association (MMEAA)
香港理工機械及輪機校友會 -
Hong Kong Polytechnic University Electrical & Electronic Engineering Alumni Association (EEEAA)
香港理工大學電機及電子工程校友會 -
PolyU MILES Alumni Association Limited (MILESAA)
香港理工大學工業及系統工程校友會有限公司 -
The Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering Alumni Association of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (AAEAA)
香港理工大學航空及民航工程校友會 -
The Biomedical Engineering Alumni Association of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (BMEAA)
香港理工大學生物醫學工程校友會 -
The Electrical Engineering Alumni Association of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Limited (EEAA)
香港理工大學電機工程同學會有限公司 -
The University of Warwick and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Manufacturing Alumni Association Limited (WPUMAA)
英國華威大學及香港理工大學製造工程系舊生會有限公司 -
Alumni Association of Biomedical Science of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (AABMS)
香港理工大學醫療生物科學校友會 -
Alumni Association of Nursing Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (AANS)
香港理工大學護理學學系校友會 -
Department of Applied Social Sciences Graduates Association of PolyU (APSSGA)
香港理工大學應用社會科學系畢業同學會 -
The Optometry Alumni Association of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (OAA)
香港理工大學眼科視光學校友會 -
The Radiography Alumni Association of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (RAA)
香港理工大學放射學校友會 -
The Rehabilitation Sciences Alumni Association of The PolyU (RSAA)
香港理工大學康復治療科學系校友會 -
Faculty of Humanities Postgraduate Alumni Association of PolyU (FHPAA)
香港理工大學人文學院研究生校友會 -
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Chinese and Bilingual Studies Alumni Association (CBSAA)
香港理工大學中文及雙語學系校友會 -
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Department of Chinese Culture Alumni Association (POLYUCCAA)